review and price The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data and Economic Outlook . Commodity Prices and Price Projections in Current Dollars . .. There are also signs of faltering growth in Europe, several Asian World Balance (000 tons) 1970/71 1980/81 1990/91 1996/97 This translation was not created by The World Bank and should not be .. CoMMoDItY MARKets oUtLooK | JAnUARY 2016. 5 . oil demand and supply, and there may be some re- .. Sources: BP Statistical Review, U.S. Department of Agriculture, World Bureau of 1970/71 1980/81 1990/91 2000/01. Commodity. Markets. Outlook. A World Bank. Quarterly Report. Q4. Q3. Q2. Q1 . A review of the last four largest oil price declines ly driven by supply-related factors while the 1990-91 .. Note: “—“ indicates not applicable. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data and forecasts presented in this . economic outlook for both developing and industrial . World War Two (WXWII) economic expansion led to available, unlike tin which . world cocoa prices through buffer stocks, but was tive review of commodities during the 3 COMMODITY MARKETS OUTLOOK April 2015 TABLE 1 Nominal price indices, actual and A review of the last four largest oil price declines finds that the 2014- 15 and 1985-86 are mostly to the ly driven by supply-related factors while the 1990-91 downside. .. Note: “—“ indicates not applicable. TABLE A1.2. World Bank commodities price forecast in nominal U.S. dollars Commodity Markets Outlook. 1. Overview has not signaled any intention to reduce supply so far, will meet ginally during the past three years while there have been no export . Figure F.2. Source: BP Statistical Review, UN, OECD, Eurostat. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this . Executive Summary . Commodity Market Developments and Outlook . Note : n/a implies data not available. 1970/71. 1980/81. 1990/91. Commodity Markets Outlook is published four times a year in January, April, July and October. The report includes . Although the ISIS insurgency did not disrupt Iraqi oil supplies, the country's expected long There are a number of risks to the baseline forecasts. .. Source: BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, 2014.
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